27 July 2010

Tears of Joy and Sadness

Excitement. Laughter. Smiles. Appreciation. Adoration. Sadness. Gratefulness. Passion. Joy. But the greatest of these is Love. I could leave it at that to sum up this last week. But I know my mother would not appreciate that. So, here goes. Monday the team arrived. Tuesday we began adding onto what Forrest, Daniel, Jorge, and Fernando had already done on the house. They had already started the work that is not quite as gratifying because the progress is not always visible. But the team started on the 4th or 5th level of laying blocks. By the end of the week we had pretty much finished the walls and now that the team is gone the men are back at it preparing to put the roof on. Yesterday, Monday, was a really unforgettable day. It was the team's last day at the village. To say the least, I wasn't even leaving the country and I cried at least 10 times. We stood inside the house we were blessed to provide and just prayed for it. Candida, the mother of the household, brought everyone to tears who was not already crying. She broke down and could not stop thanking God for what he was doing in her and her family's life. She able to move a whole group of people. The amazing part: she was speaking a different language. Her actions and her emotions displayed her message, so clearly, that at that moment, the separation that comes with different languages no longer existed. At the same time this idea of praying in other languages really opened the eyes of some of the people on the team. It was a great reminder of how infinite our God really is. When we think of prayer we think of praying in English. We don't think of that African language only a couple hundred people speak. Probably not many people think of praying in sign language. It just shows how small our minds are... how little we grasp. God understands everything and everybody and this is His great power. God has really been looking out for me this entire trip. He placed some people here that I know either had or will have a lasting effect on me. Guatemalan or American I have made some great new friends. New accountability partners. People I can share my experience with who already know what I'm talking about. I know God will continue to bless my next month here as many opportunities have arisen for me to immerse myself further into this beautiful place. I ask that you just keep praying for strength for me. It's a terrible feeling when I don't feel well enough to play duck duck goose with the kids or when it hurts to smile because I'm so sick. However, more importantly, I ask that you continue to pray for the work I am doing. For the relationships I am building. That I am able to truly make a difference in these people's lives... both young and old. If you want to see more pictures add me on facebook! www.facebook.com/stephanie.lockhart Also be sure to visit servants4him.org if you want to know more about the ministry!


  1. Joshua 1.9

    This is a so good Stephanie, keep doing it what you believe in your heart is right, God is with you and always be. You are awesome.

    Roberto T

  2. man this is awesome! i had an absolutely amazing week there! i really wish i could just copy and paste almost all of this as what i felt. it completely blew me away with what God can do in 9 days of Guatemala SERVING and LOVING this family and that whole village in general. i feel so blessed to have met you, and i will definitely be praying for you. cant wait till you get back :)

    John S

  3. Hello lovely sister,

    It was nice to get to talk to you for a little bit yesterday. I think you would be perfectly happy if you could move down there and live your whole life. You love the kids and helping/serving the families and I know they love and appreciate all you do. Keep up all the hard work! Let God's light shine through you!

