22 July 2010

Wonderful Maker

Well, the fact that I haven't updated in about a week only attests to how busy I have been. Really, the only reason I have time to update now is because I am staying behind this morning. I don't want to stay behind but my stomach is not agreeing with something I ate. > To catch you all up, a team from Destiny Church in Leesburg arrived on Monday. This week we have been working on building a two room block house for a family of 7. This may be one of the greatest families I have ever met. The parents names are Jorge and Candida and they have five of the sweetest kids. Milka is the oldest and she just turned eleven. She is very smart and always surprises me with random phrases in English. She also remembers everything I teach her how to say. Then she has a little sister named Elsa, and two younger brothers named Josue and Presley. And there is also a year old baby who's name is very difficult, but one day I will get it right. This family has never asked for anything but they have been living in a straw house with dirt (or mud) floors. Right now all seven of them sleep in one bed. Their father, Jorge, rarely speaks and never complains. He works non stop and always has a bright look on his face. He is truly a servant of God. If you ever feel like complaining or don't want to work anymore all you have to do is look at him and you'll be encouraged to continue working through the rain to try and finish this house for the poor family. > While the construction is going on, we are also holding a VBS type thing for the kids in the afternoon. We are teaching them songs, making crafts, and telling Bible stories. The greatest gift of all is to see that they are happy. Again I'm sad that I couldn't make it this morning because I miss the kids so much when I am not there. I just want to pack some of them up and take them home with me. But I would have to take their families, too! > Aside from the relationships that I'm making with the children, I have also met some people on the team that have helped me. They've made me think of things I wasn't thinking of before. It's a really good group of people. I'm lucky I get to be a part of it. > One of the greatest things that I will miss very much when I come back to the States is standing in the middle of the volcanic ash soccer field and looking up. To one direction you can see Agua, a huge volcano with patchwork crops all the way up to the top. On clear days you can see the top of the volcano. And in all other directions are great big mountains with more crops growing. God's great imagination and artwork are so evident here. It's impossible to think that someone less powerful than our God had the ability to create this world.


  1. Love the update Honey. Sorry about your stomach. God is truly at work among you. Dad.

  2. Hope all is well. Rachel is home now I am just waiting for you. I am excited to see pictures of the finished house. Love Mom

  3. Wow Stephanie, these posts are amazing. You are an amazing godly young woman. I'm praying for you and miss you a lot. The volcano and mountains sound gorgeous.

