12 June 2010


I am in the stage of emotionally preparing for this journey I am about to embark upon. I have never had to plan to be gone so long, and for the majority of the time, I am staying somewhere I've never been before. This trip pushes me further towards the edge of my comfort zone. The unknown is exciting, but the known is not dull. The first few days I will be returning to the orphanage I have come to know very well over the last five years. The link is attached for curiosity's sake.
For the rest of the time, I will be staying with a couple in Antigua. My mission will be to teach English classes for the village. The little kids need it especially, because in order to move on to the next grade, they must know a certain amount of English. However, their teacher is sexually abusing many of the students. But the ninos are not the only ones who need English. The older women (and by older I mean 20 and up) need to know English in order to make a living. They are vendors and sell the items that they weave. In order to sell them, they need to know how to communicate with the tourists who do not speak Spanish. It might be an extra challenge to teach these women...Even though I do speak Spanish, some of them do not. They speak the Indian language, Quetchekal. Yet another language I need to add to my list to learn.
The verse that has guided me through many enduring situations,
Philipians 4:13:
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece.